Proven Tips to Remember Your Medication Intake


Medications are vital as part of a treatment plan. Nevertheless, a significant number of patients have trouble taking their meds as prescribed. Furthermore, multiple studies have shown that medication non-adherence causes around 125,000 deaths in the US and hundreds of billions of dollars of loss.

By providing quality home health care in Columbus, Ohio, ALLIANCE Healthcare Partners LLC helps our patients adhere to their doctor’s prescriptions effectively to promote better health and prevent complications.

For those taking multiple medications, here are some tips:

  • Set an Alarm
    The best way, probably, is to have you notified when it’s time to take your meds. If you live on your own, set an alarm using your cellphone or any device at home.
  • Store Properly
    For optimal adherence, use a pillbox to group your medications according to time of intake, dosage, and type of meds.
  • Make a Routine
    If possible, you can take your medicines along with an activity you do every day. For instance, schedule your intake before or after brushing your teeth, taking a bath, or eating.
  • Post a Reminder
    Place a note in a conspicuous area in your home, such as on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, beside the TV, etc.
  • Hire a Home Health Aide
    Apart from providing hands on care, home health aides are trained to administer medications as directed. This way, you don’t have to worry about when and what meds to take at a specific time of the day.

Whether for you or your loved one, our in-home care programs can help you maximize the benefits of your medications. Our compassionate caring in Ohio makes sure you live the best of life right at home!

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